photo comma

responsive design & wordpress development

Photo comma is a place with mostly personal photography projects or stand alone images without particular connection with each other taken randomly from here and there. A place where my fascination for photography can have shape – looking for contradictions and harmony in the same time – taking pictures just for the pleasure of taking a picture, because of the picture itself – of the thousands of stories hidden behind every moment.


UX design
photo comma
After a long history of changes, the last update in photo comma aimed to transform the former page into a wordpress theme with adaptive design and simple and clear appearance.
photo comma
photo comma

skandan music

Bala Skandan is a performer, educator and composer of Carnatic music. He performs both on the Mridangam (double-headed drum) and violin (Carnatic style). He also highlights the beauty of Kanjira (frame drum) and konnakkol (vocal rhythm) in his compositions as well as in performances. He is the lead artist and composer of Akshara Music Ensemble, a NY based Indian-classical music inspired band. Bala Skandan lives in Manhattan and teaches actively.

portico of galician literature

At Portico of Galician Literature the visitor to the site will be able to read work by selected Galician authors, find synopses of their most successful titles and read a short biography. The visitor will also find a list of Galician books already published in English, with links to publishers’ websites where available. Finally there is information on the availability of rights and translation grants, together with a short history of Galician literature from 1196 to today.

alegria workshop

christmas workshop

Christmas workshop – let’s create part of the Christmas spirit with our hands! I worked together with Alegria – workshops for joy and applied arts. Workshops that occur in children centers, kinder gardens, parental cooperatives, etc. Classes are intended for children and parents, and the relationship built in the creative process is very genuine and strong. Thanks to the various topics, children learn to work with many materials, use different techniques and rely on their imagination.